GeFei Li
Director of China Advisory Service
Rapidan Energy Group
GeFei Li directs Rapian Energy Group’s China Advisory team and works with global energy investors and policymakers to identify uniquely rewarding energy investment opportunities in Greater China and the Asia Pacific region. As geopolitical upheavals continue to impact the global energy industry, GeFei has been leveraging his expertise to help investors to navigate challenges in the China market with confidence and strategy.
GeFei has over 28 years of experience working with regulators, entrepreneurs, and major energy companies in the Greater China region as a business executive, investor, and strategic advisor. He started his professional career as a research associate and lecturer at China’s National Oil Ministry. As a former geophysics and engineering researcher who has accumulated decades of business experience on the ground, GeFei offers unique expertise in macroeconomic analysis, operations management, and investment negotiation.
He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Wake Forest University and is a graduate of Xian Petroleum University.
GeFei has over 28 years of experience working with regulators, entrepreneurs, and major energy companies in the Greater China region as a business executive, investor, and strategic advisor. He started his professional career as a research associate and lecturer at China’s National Oil Ministry. As a former geophysics and engineering researcher who has accumulated decades of business experience on the ground, GeFei offers unique expertise in macroeconomic analysis, operations management, and investment negotiation.
He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Wake Forest University and is a graduate of Xian Petroleum University.